Refreshing Prairie Breakfast Iced Tea

Refreshing Prairie Breakfast Iced Tea

Chicobab Vitalyteas - Prairie Breakfast Black & Green Iced Tea

A brisk full-bodied blend of black tea and green tea with a hint of vanilla

  • 12 t-bags of Prairie Breakfast
  • Pitcher for 1 liter/quart
  • 1 ¼ cup / 315 ml boiling water on t-bags
  • Sweetener of your choice
  • Cold water
  • Crushed ice

Place 12 t-bags of Prairie Breakfast into teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 ¼ cup / 315 ml boiling water on t-bags. Steep 20 minutes before removing the t-bags. Sweeten to taste. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water and add the brewed tea. Top-up the pitcher with cold water and crushed ice.

Vitaliteas - Black Tea & Green Tea - Prairie Breakfast

Tip that need some planning: Instead of using crushed ice made from water, try freezing some freshly brewed tea in ice cube trays. This way, they won’t dilute the drink as they melt!


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