Caffeine-free Mockoffé Apple Cider Detox

Caffeine-free Mockoffé Apple Cider Detox

Mockoffé, rich in beneficial prebiotics and fibre, is combined with apple cider vinegar to support daily gut health. To enjoy daily before breakfast to keep things moving, if you know what we mean…

In a cup, mix well and enjoy:

  • 1 teaspoon of Mockoffé
  • ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup warm water

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Chicobab 101 & Recipes

How I Simply Kicked Caffeine
Chicobab 101

How I Simply Kicked Caffeine

One thing for sure: I can’t control the cosmos. But I can control my caffeine.  While writing this piece, I am sipping an iced Mockoffé,...

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Top 10 Benefits Of Organic Baobab Fruit Powder
Chicobab 101

Top 10 Benefits Of Organic Baobab Fruit Powder

Africa’s “Tree of Life” bears a wonderful superfruit called baobab fruit. It’s the only fruit that can naturally dry while still on the tree. Indigenous...

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